ABC EXPAT introduces you to strong business networks in Africa
ABC EXPAT collaborates on a daily basis with all the international operators in each of the countries in our network. Come and meet ABC EXPAT partners and their respective business communities to identify opportunities in your sector, discuss best practices, meet officials or suppliers, etc. Our partners are all experts in international support and our respective activities complete one another to give you the best chances of success for your projects in Africa
Our partners

The United States Chamber of Commerce advocates, connects, informs, and fights for business growth and America's success. It is represented in Africa by local American Chambers of Commerce (AmCham) who conduct intentional strategic engagement with relevant stakeholders in their markets for the development and improvement of trade policy on behalf of their members.

EBO Worldwide Network is the only organization that represents European business interests in markets outside the European Union. It represents an active network in more than 47 key markets serving European multinationals, as well as micro, small, medium and large companies. European Chambers of Commerce and European Business Associations within the global EBO network work daily with European Union Delegations around the world with the common interest of supporting European businesses.
Team France Export brings together all the public solutions offered to help French companies win internationally. With 750 international advisers such as ABC EXPAT, Team France Export guarantees a simplified customer experience for exporting.

Business France is an agency created in 2015 by the merger of Ubifrance and the French Agency for International Investments (AFII). Business France leads Team France Export, which brings together private players such as ABC EXPAT who operate in substitution or in addition to the agency in several African countries.

Founded in 1907, CCI France International brings together and coordinates 125 French Chambers of Commerce and Industry abroad (CCI FI) in 95 countries. CCI France International aims to bring together, represent, coordinate and develop the network of French Chambers of Commerce all over the world.

The French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCEF) are volunteers, executives or managers of French companies or companies with French capital in France or abroad, whose role is to observe, monitor and to promote France's foreign trade.

BPI France is a public investment bank responsible in particular for supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, mid-cap companies and innovative companies, in support of state and regional public policies.
See also
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